Saturday, November 27, 2010

4 years into the Journey

It's Maddy's 4th birthday and I'm feeling nostalgic and so overwhelmingly thankful. I thought I'd highlight our 4 years so far... and how much she has grown.

~Psalm 139:13-15~ Maddy was fearfully and wonderfully made. God knew her before she was even a thought in my mind, HE formed her just as HE wanted her to be. *This is our sweet child, no accidents*

~This is our 2nd Maddy Moo

1st Birthday

2nd Birthday

3rd Birthday

and we just celebrated Birthday #4 
It has been a great 4 years with this little princess. I am so thankful for the lessons she has taught me, those she is currently teaching me and all that is yet to come. I am a better person because I am Maddy's mom.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Christmas Preview

Some people already have all their christmas shopping done, presents wrapped, cards signed and stuffed, ready to mail... and then there's people like me. (pause for shoulder shrug with the head side tilt) Oh I have begun my christmas planning.. it looks a little like this..... "Christmas List". That's it. I've gotten so far as to title my page and list the names of people I need to get gifts for... undoubtedly forgetting someone until the last gift is done and the "finished high" is rising up..only to be smacked down with my forgetfulness. Just once I'd like a little help from my Mr.Claus in the planning/executing of the christmas gifting. Oh he will receive alright- but getting his help in planning and shopping- eh not so much. It's not that he doesn't enjoy thinking of others cause he does- he just doesn't enjoy the stress of finding a great gift for them. It's also not that he doesn't enjoy shopping- cause he does (as long as there's something manly in the store for him to drool over) it's that he can't stand the crowds and just gets crabby. So here I am.. our 7th christmas together.... alone,again.                        

But the show must go on so I'm setting a goal to have my list 75% done by this weekend. 100% by Black Friday cause you know I'mabe sitting in the lines starting at like 9pm. It's really only the hard to shop for people that I struggle with. This is why I'm a big believer in wish lists. This will be the first year that we are doing them but it just makes total sense. You know yourself best and you know what you'd love to get that you probably won't buy yourself... why not tell the people who are already planning on getting you something? It's a win win. So if you know I'm buying you something... send me a list. If you think you're buying me something... ask for a list. Let's make this year the best non-returning or regifting year ever!!

oh and yes, in case you were wondering, this post is totally taking the focus off my little baby turning 4 in less than a week. I can't even face it yet.              

Allstate vs. USAA

Ok so I have to say... I L.O.V.E. the allstate "mayhem" commercials. I think they are just stinkin hilarious. They don't make me feel the need to switch to them and spend more $ on my insurance.. but they are good for a great laugh and funny scenarios.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Is it really November already?

Well, we are all moved into storage and my moms house. Our apartment is officially not "ours" anymore. I am finally at a place of contentment over this "no control of the situation" situation I'm in right now. I'm learning to be still and wait upon the Lord for His direction and His timing. I have very recently and quite strongly felt Him whispering "stop rushing me" to me... and I'm so glad I chose to obey and chill out. I've come to enjoy "not knowing what the plan is" and "having NO idea where we will live next." Not that it's fun and enjoyable to feel those things, but the freedom from letting those burden me is very joyful! I am finding satisfaction in God's provision being different than what I would have liked it to be. I'm looking for new opportunities to show His love and His light in our current circumstances. I don't feel embarrassed to tell people that we are living with my mom right now, nor do I feel the need to justify why we are doing it. Truth is, a few weeks ago- I was completely beaten down and feeling forsaken by God... and then suddenly it hit me. Why do I think He's forsaken me just because He isn't giving me my way? How much does that sound like a 3yr old temper tantrum?? That was a H U G E ah-ha moment for me. How can I be professing His perfect timing when I'm stomping my feet at him in protest of his schedule for me? What use is it to tell others that He works all things for my good when I'm secretly arguing/begging him to make my circumstances better. How does that attitude reflect my belief if the word ALL in that statement/scripture? I tell ya- it's been an eye opening few weeks for me. I heard a great piece of truth the other day and it really summed it up for me- it was simply this- God isn't as interested in changing our circumstances as He is in allowing our circumstances to change us. !!! Simple, to the point and yet profound for me. I realized that if I would quit fighting to get out of my circumstances that I could start finding all that I'm supposed to get out of them. Wow- what a great end to those few tumultuous weeks. God truly is good ALL the time! Amen!

Now on to what's going on in November..... and it's ALOT! We have a few birthday parties to attend- 1 to host for my sweet Maddy Moo that's turning 4. We have family coming into town, thanksgiving to celebrate, Christmas shopping/crafting to do, doctor and dentist appointments, Maddy's first dance recital and general enjoyment of the season all to get done in November. Phew- tired yet? While we are finally adjusted to living at my moms I have really been slacking on the homeschooling stuff... and I'm painfully aware that I really need to get back on track. Not that I feel like Maddy's education is being neglected but mostly that I'm missing opportunities to start a good foundation for her routine that we will need once she's in full school gear. I'm committing to starting next Monday- November 8th- to getting back on track. One thing that is going to have to get under control is all my time spent out and about running around. I love play dates and interacting with all my sweet friends but I am bad about using them as excuses to not do work that day. So since I'm fully aware that I have no intention to stop seeing my friends (I'm not losing my sanity!) I need to incorporate lessons into that time. Who says we can't take supplies and do a project with our friends? or go on an educational outing with someone for a play date? So that's the plan. Instead of changing our lives for homeschooling we are going to invite our homeschooling into our lives. Let's hope everyone can play nice :o)

Well that's whats crack-a-lackin in my world. I've got alot to get going on so I better hit it. Hope everyone has a blessed Thankful November and takes a few moments each day to remember what's most important!