Wednesday, December 29, 2010

10th times a charm?

After a fantastic Christmas with all our family we moved for the 10th time in our marriage. For those counting- that's 10 times in 6 years, 4 of which were this year alone. Yeah, 2010 has been... interesting. We started looking for somewhere last Saturday and found an ad on craigslist for an apartment complex that I have always liked but we could never afford. Well, they had a big Christmas special going for their 2 bedroom that was too good to be true. We went and saw it Sunday, loved it and started the application process Monday. We signed the lease and set our move in date for Dec 26th. No we didn't move that day, we were in Plano visiting my dad and Linda, but we did start the next day. We are about 85% moved in and about 70% unpacked. It's going good, I'm excited about finally feeling like home in my own space again. It was such a blessing to be able to stay with my mom and step dad so we didn't have to rush into anything, and another blessing that we were able to find this deal and start fresh on our own again. I will post pics once we're all done moving in and decorated. 

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Blog, erase, blog, erase, repeat

I have written a paragraph on three different topics now only to swiftly delete each of them after not being pleased with my writing. What's going on with my tonight??? Guess I'm not meant to blog today.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Christmas Newsletter

So I decided to write a newsletter this year after all. I had thought against it because when I started listing the things that have gone on this year I thought it seemed like such a downer.... who wants to read that kind of stuff at christmas, right? Then after a talk I had with my mom about the topic I had a change of heart and perspective. She really helped me see that it's not what our circumstances were but how we made it through them and what we've learned. So I decided to share- openly and vulnerably- because I want to spread the hope and reassurance of God's love that we saw this year. So here goes nothing!

We started the New Year in a very precarious situation, we had found out a few days after Christmas that I was pregnant. The circumstances surrounding it were causing questions of viability and so we entered 2010 with an unstable/uncertain pregnancy. Long story short, I ended up in emergency surgery to remove a cyst and the perfect 6 week embryo it had been blocking inside my fallopian tube. This was a tragedy for us. So much pain, loss and confusion. I'm positive had it not been for the absolute truth that God works all things for my good I would not have made it out of that dark place as quickly as I did, nor would I be as healed as I am this day. I'm thankful for the scars- they remind me that I have felt pain and heartache before and God delivered me from it each time. I don't ever want to forget my ability to feel that deeply or His ability to comfort so completely. In January Marc had a shift change that shook up our routine and challenged us. We did NOT like this shift change and prayed consistently for the Lord to prepare a way out. Our main problem was that it required Marc to work on Sundays and truly did not leave a time for any church service.

In February we lost our poor, recently paid off 2002 Ford Focus. This was a new challenge for us because we had to live on 1 car and are still doing it to this day. Would we like a 2nd car- ABSOLUTELY! but God has shown us what's important and what we can live without if needed.

In March I had started a temporary job as a receptionist for a lawfirm in Fort Worth. We were lucky enough to be able to borrow Marc's father's truck so that we could both have a vehicle to get to and from work. The Lord started speaking to my heart putting a passion into it for staying home and education Maddy. He opened my eyes to all the ridiculous things I was desiring and all the frivolous possessions that I was placing higher than my calling. He gave me focus and drive to become a better budgeter and to speak love into my husband to hold him up as the true provider for our family, and to find that what he could provide was more than enough to sustain us. I left my job and cautiously took the role that I felt called to fulfill. I have enjoyed being home with my family more than any work I've ever done. I find such satisfaction in their happiness. Marc has been amazing at supporting me and encouraging me in all the areas I'm struggling in.

In April we were struck with our 2nd great tragedy of the year. On April 4th, Easter Sunday, Marc's sweet grandma Nel was called home to be with the Lord. We were blessed enough to be able to spend her last few hours at her bedside saying goodbyes and spreading love with everyone. It was very bittersweet as she had been ailing for some time and was at peace with going, but she was the heartbeat of his family. Her funeral was beautiful and attended by many. She was such an amazing woman and loved fiercely. We often recall special memories of her and rejoice in the healing she received. How fitting that she entered heaven on the anniversary that salvation was made possible. God comforts in the most amazing ways. During this month we also decided that we could not continue to live the way we were with the calling God had given me. Something had to give- so we decided to downsize from our rented house and reign in the living expenses.

In May we lived with my sister and her family while trying to figure out where to go next. They were so gracious in giving us plenty of room to live with them, and it opened a new level to me and my sister's relationship. We were very unsure what the next step was but knew that following God's will was all that mattered. Did we struggle? Absolutely. Did we argue with God and question His timing? several times. But we kept finding peace and reassurance that His ways were higher than ours and His timing was not built around our hast and impatience. At the end of the month we found apartments that were looking for a courtesy officer and moved in June 1st.

June and July went by rather uneventfully. We settled into the apartment and I began to prepare to homeschool Maddy starting in August. We survived the sweltering summer months and Marc celebrated his 3rd year as an officer. My Aunt Becky was able to come visit for a week with her littles and we had a great time. In August we started looking for a dance studio to enroll Maddy in. She had been talking alot about dance since her cousin Olivia takes dance classes. After looking into several studios we found one that is christian owned and operated and chose it. They pray with the class before starting, they dance to christian music, require modest outfits and cover ups. She takes ballet, tap and tumbling every Monday for an hour. She LOVES it. Her first recital was Nov 29th and she did great. We are so proud of her dedication to dance and enjoy seeing her learning new things. The best thing that happen in August was finding and joining our new church, Keystone Church. We are so blessed to be a part of this church and have met some incredible people. The messages have been relevant, inspiring and challenging. We look forward to serving our church and speaking out about God's message.

In September we celebrated our 6year wedding anniversary by taking a family vacation to Colorado to visit my family. Since that's where we honeymooned we thought it fitting to return and celebrate as a family now. We had such a good time with everyone and couldn't believe how fast 10 days flew by. I have a post about it that details all the fun stuff we did and photos of where we went. It has been a great year since we've been able to see that side of the family several times. We always love spending time with them.

Then came October, with a notice that our apartments were terminating the courtesy officer position and we had a month to move out. WOW. Here we go again. We were really shocked and confused. We looked into several places to live and were not at peace with any of them. We made the difficult decision to live with my mom for the rest of the year and figure out the next step in January. It was a very hard time and we are still processing everything and looking into future living arrangements. It has been such a humbling time to allow family to bless us by helping out. Marc and I have grown closer and had to once again clear out some clutter in our lives. Its amazing what moving your entire life into a storage unit can make you realize and place value in. We have found that it truly doesn't matter what you own as long as you have your family.

November brought the celebration of Maddy's 4th birthday! We had a great party at Chuck E. Cheese with all our awesome friends and family. Maddy dressed up as the princess she is and had a blast. We had family come into town for Thanksgiving and had a great time visiting with them, and playing ALOT of games and practical jokes on each other. Marc, Maddy and I celebrated Thanksgiving Day with my family in Plano and had a wonderful time with everyone. They did a mini birthday party for Maddy since they weren't able to make her party. It was a nice mellow event and we weren't ready to leave when it came time. I had to get back to start my Black Friday shopping at 9:30 that evening. Now THAT was an event!! 9 hours of shopping and line waiting paid off with over $200 savings and alot of my christmas shopping done. Then a huge nap was required. It is something I can only do once a year but it is awesome, especially cause I did it with my sister and mom and friend Amanda.

December has started and we are planning on focusing this month on spending time with family and friends. We are so thankful for the year we have had and the lessons our sweet Savior has taught us.We have been so amazed at the support we've received and the strength we've found through various trials. 2010 will not be forgotten. We wish you the very best Christmas and pray for God's blessing on your 2011.