So although I'm not catholic I was given the opportunity to look at lent outside of catholicism last year. I decided that lent in fact does not just have to be for catholics, or really just for this one set time frame. If at anytime I feel that something is distracting me from God's presence in my life, or an area that He has placed a greater need for on my heart- I in fact can observe the act of lent at anytime. This being said- for now I'm doing it at the same time as others. Last year was my first and I just went all in- I chose an area that I knew I would be able to feel the impact daily. music. Oh how I love music. I was pretty good at mixing up genres regularly but I definitely liked secular stuff a lot. So that's what I gave up- secular music for 40 days. I only listened to christian or classical (during those nice hot baths). I thought it would be hard, I was SO wrong. It was amazing. so amazing. By allowing a huge area that I enjoyed to be solely focused on praising God and remembering His goodness I found myself seeking music more and more. I discovered new artists, new songs and new depths of worship. I watched less tv and sung more. I sought meanings to music, and the scripture it originated from. I sought to experience God more- and I DID! Now that it's been a year I can't believe how much time I used to spend listening to secular music. The topics I'd let fill my mind or the lyrics I'd repeat without even thinking about them. Not that I'm condemning all secular music- I still listen to it and still have a lot of favorites. But I pay closer attention to the subject and lyrics, also to how the music makes me feel, what emotions it evokes and where it leads me. Angry music in fact fuels my anger, attitude songs tend to give me an attitude, love songs make me think of my husband... and so on. I'm also very aware of what my daughter listens to and now assert more control over what she's exposed to. I explain lyrics to her and why we sing praise to God. I still seek Him- and He still shows up every single time.
Given how much last years choice affected me I have put a lot of thought into what I want to "give up" this year. I'm in a different place in my life than last year. At this time last year I was working 5 days a week and had so much time in the car so music was something I had plenty of time to feel the change from. With that in mind, and my walk intensifying as it is I've decided to give up something that is a precious gift taken for granted daily. My time.
What do I mean? I mean that I'm giving God more of my time. This is happening in a few ways. Because I seek a deeper walk with Him and I'm so hungry for more of His truth and how to apply it to my life I've decided to commit to a few things.
1. Finishing the book I'm currently reading- The Excellent Wife by Martha Peace. I am 3/4 through and it is rocking my views of being a godly wife. I've also recently found a study guide for it and I'm going to go back and work through it.
2. Read the 2 new books I just recently purchased (yes I'm addicted to half price books).
- The Strategy of Satan by Warren W. Wiersbe. This caught my eye on the shelf as I have observed satan attacking a few people I know of and have felt him in my own before.
- Husbands Who Won't Lead and Wives that Won't Follow- by James Walker. This one is a little hard for me to admit that I'm reading. But this is the reality of where we are at right now. I'm earnestly seeking ways to improve my role as a wife. To allow God to make me the best help mate that my husband could have. In seeking this I must acknowledge that surely there are area's that I'm struggling in.
3. Watching 3 series from Keystone Church before we started attending. Right now I'm downloading the following series : Taste and See- 2 videos (learning to experience the Bible as the LIVING word of God).
Seven Churches- 6 videos (unlocking the church according to the Bible). Jesus Loves- 6 videos (how God loves even the worst of us and me at my worst). This is actually just the start- I have several other series I'd like to view, including: High Fidelity (on marriage), This Preacher Likes to Dance (on how to have the abundant life God sent to us through your church) and Loosing My Religion (all about how church has become a dead place and how to fight against it). Ok those are my summaries... if you'd like to look into any of these or follow them with me check out
4. Keep a prayer journal and a "He speaks to me" journal. So the prayer journal is pretty self explanatory- I'm not planning on writing out my prayers- just the things, people, situations, etc. that I'm praying for and any movement I see in those areas. The "He speaks to me" journal is for recording areas that I need to remember daily that He spoke to me. Jesus Christ is everywhere in my life right now- I feel Him overflowing out of my heart and I'm working on becoming more aware of all He does around me, for me, inside of me.
So there's the plan. All written out it may seem like a lot- but luckily- God's given me a lot of time. Being a stay at home mom is such a blessing. Since my daughter goes to bed @ 9 and I'm up til 12ish that gives me plenty of time to embrace this commitment. I'm so excited to see who I am on the other side of these next 40 days. Praise be to the Holy Father for working in my life and inspiring me to seek Him more. He has placed such a hunger inside of me and I'm truly praying it is never satiated. This hunger fuels me- and each step I take closer to Him feels like leaps and bounds from the person I used to be. He is truly creating in me a new being and it's wonderful. Won't you please pray for me during this time. Thanks :o)